Almost everyone is constantly annoyed by unwanted hair on their body. One solution for this ‘problem’ is getting rid of good of those hairs using technologies such as laser hair removal.
If you have finally decided that laser hair removal is the right choice for you, and you’re ready to get started here are five tips to help get your skin laser-ready.
1) Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly To Start Laser Hair Removal
If you want laser hair removal done on your body or face, you’ll likely be getting waxed or threaded before each treatment session. These sometimes painful procedures can only be accomplished on healthy, exfoliated skin. Therefore, it’s important to exfoliate before having your hair removed.
2) Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure Before Laser Hair Removal To Maximize Treatment Results
Sun exposure promotes thicker and faster-growing hair, which will affect how laser hair removal works on you. In other words, if you don’t avoid sun exposure before the treatment – particularly to the areas being treated – the process may not work as well as it could.
3) Exfoliate Again After Laser Hair Removal To Keep Your Skin Healthy And Smooth
After laser hair removal is completed, your skin may be red and irritated for a few hours, but after that, you should see some smooth results. If you want to maintain laser-smooth skin between laser hair removal treatments, it’s important to exfoliate regularly. This will keep your laser-treated skin looking smooth and gorgeous. Avoiding sun exposure is also important during this time since excessive UV can interfere with laser hair removal results.
4) Keep Acne Under Control Before Laser Hair Removal To Extend The Benefits Of Treatment
If it is one of the ways you decide to treat your acne, it’s essential that you get your skin under control before laser treatments begin. If you have an active flare-up of acne over a large portion of your body or face when laser hair removal begins, the treatment may not be effective for these areas since laser light can’t penetrate deeply into pimples and unsightly blemishes.
5) Shave The Day Of Your Laser Hair Removal Session To Ensure Successful Treatment
It’s important to shave the day the treatments are scheduled. For best results, technicians recommend shaving at least six hours before laser hair removal sessions because laser light targets the pigment in your hair–not your skin. Therefore, waiting six hours before laser hair removal gives laser light enough time to absorb into your hair shafts and work its magic on all of the hairs in a given area.
Your laser hair removal treatment is only successful when your skin is laser-ready. These tips will help you to make the best result over your investment of treating your well-deserved well-being.