Did you just purchase a resale home? Are you searching for top things you need to do when you move into a resale home? Do not stress out; here are the top things you must do before and when you pack into a resale home.
Change the Locks
Being a resale home, some people have previously occupied the home and have keys to the home. The best thing to do is to change the locks to the main entrances of the house to ensure that you are the only person who has access. You can call a locksmith or go for a DIY procedure if you have the knack for it.
Window Replacement
In addition to providing your home with a new look, windows replacement will also improve the energy efficiency of your home and make you feel comfortable. Window replacement is one of the top things to do when you move into a resale home.
Basement Waterproofing
Prevention is better than cure. You must prioritize basement waterproofing when you move into a resale home or expect to call a water damage restoration company. Prevent water leakage in the basement and potential flooding. This way, you can rest assured that your basement is free from water damage, mould and mildew growth, and other attendant inconveniences.
Check for Plumbing Leak
During a home inspection, before you closed the purchase deal, the plumbing of the home must have been examined. However, you have to be sure that it is intact now that you will be using water and the entire plumbing system. Ensure that there are no leaks, and if there are any, have them fixed by a professional plumber.
Replace the Toilet Seats
Change the toilet seats to feel like the home is indeed yours and you would be free from worrying about what happened in it before you purchased the home. You can choose a detachable toilet seat to personalize the toilet.
Invest in Pest Control
Another top thing to do when you move into a resale home is to control the pests in the home. You do not necessarily have to know the level of pest activities in the house; hire a professional company for pest control to prevent rats, mice, roaches, spiders, and other pests from overrunning your home.
Get Familiar with the Circuit Breaker Box and Shutoff Valve
You must know where your breaker box and shutoff valves are located. Before you move in, see where the main water valves and gas shutoff valves are placed – this is essential for your safety.