Saving energy at home is one of the strategies that you can use to reduce the running cost of your home. It also allows you to make the best use of energy in your everyday activities. In case you want to save energy at your home, these are some of the ways you can use it.
1. Insulate Your Home
By insulating your home, you can save as much as 10% on the amount that you spend on cooling and heating. In addition to insulation, you should also seal any leaks, cracks, and gaps that may be letting heat into or out of your home.
2. Adjust the Thermostat Regularly
Many people are fond of setting their thermostats at a particular level for a long period. However, this amounts to a waste of energy in many instances. So, you should always try to adjust the thermostat regularly. Also, when everyone is leaving home, the thermostat should be adjusted until you return.
3. Utilize Your Dishwasher and Clothes Washer at Full Loads
Though you may want to wash your clothes and dishes regularly, this action does not help you save energy at home. When you use your dishwasher or clothes washer with a full load, it performs most efficiently and lowers your energy consumption.
4. Install Energy-Efficient Windows and Doors
Energy-efficient windows and doors can reduce your energy consumption by 10% or even more. These windows and doors make sure that your rooms retain heat during the winter and lose heat during the summer. If your home currently has single-pane windows, think about replacing them with double- or triple-pane ones that are filled with argon or krypton gas.
5. Take Shorter, Cooler Showers
If you are the type of person that spends hours on showering, you are wasting energy. Reduce your energy consumption by taking shorter showers. The shorter showers will instantly lower the energy consumed by your water heater. It has been estimated that a 4-minute reduction in your daily shower time can reduce your overall hot water use by more than 3,600 gallons each year.
6. Air-Dry Your Clothes
While electric dryers may make your clothes dry faster, they also use a large chunk of your electric. So, think about reducing your energy consumption by air-drying your clothes on a clothesline or other means. As an alternative to air-drying, you can buy an energy-efficient dryer that will not consume a lot of energy.
7. Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances
With mincing words, your conventional appliances contribute largely to the amount of energy you use. So, stop using those old appliances that consume a lot of energy and choose energy-efficient appliances instead.
8. Turn Off Electronics You Are Not Using
Whenever you are not using any electronics, you should endeavor to always make sure that they are turned off. So, your computer, television, sound system, printers, and other electronics should be switched off when no one is using them.
Similarly, make sure that you unplug them because they can still consume a small amount of power even when they are plugged but not turned on. Follow the methods above and save energy at home.